Julia’s Garden: Growing Vegetables in Hawai’i

See what’s growing in Julia’s 2500 square feet vegetable garden in North Hilo, Hawaiʻi.

Started in March 2015, Julia’s garden provides a wide variety of vegetables and culinary herbs for our household and friends. When it comes to cooking nothing compares to freshly harvested ingredients; the flavors, vibrancy, and nutritional content. After many years of soil building, hand pulling weeds, and experimentation here are some of our proudest results from the vegetable garden.

Spring 2015: Here is the before shot of when there was just a mowed lawn.
Spring 2020: Here is the garden 5 years later. You can barely see the house now.
Spring 2015: We set up a strong perimeter fence to deter the pigs from getting in.
Winter 2019: All is well in the garden.

The nice thing about the garden being so close to the house

Categorized as Gardening

By Kenta

Kenta is a regenerative designer and farmer in Hawaiʻi where he grows cacao, pineapple, bananas, and a variety of other crops using sustainable agroforestry methods. Kenta can be reached at: hawaiiagriculture@gmail.com